Roland Dahinden

(b. 1962)

mode 175

Flying White


mode 175 Roland DAHINDEN: Flying WhiteString Quartet No. 2 “mind rock”, String Quartet No. 5 “poids de l’ombre”; Binaural Recordings: String Quartet No. 4 “flying white” and String Quartet No. 3 “mond see”. Klangforum Wien String Quartet, Annette Bik and Sophie Schaffleitner, violins, Dimitrios Polisoidis, viola and Andreas Lindenbaum, violoncello.

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Flying White
(viewed Feb. 7, 2013). Klangforum Wien String Quartet. Recorded in 2005. Previously released as a compact disc.

String Quartet No. 2 “mind rock” (2000)   (14:06)
for Richard Long

String Quartet No. 4 “flying white” (2003)   (12:02)
for Brice Marden

String Quartet No. 5 “poids de l’ombre” (2004)   (24:56)
for Stéphane Brunner

String Quartet No. 3 “mond see” (2001)   (14:23)
for Inge Dick

Klangforum Wien String Quartet
Annette Bik and Sophie Schaffleitner, violins
Dimitrios Polisoidis, viola
Andreas Lindenbaum, violoncello

For his third CD on Mode, composer, trombonist, improvisor Roland Dahinden explores the string quartet medium. Each work is dedicated to and influenced by a major visual artist.

Dahinden’s four works refer to images by artists, but at the same time avoids illustrating it in a literal way.

The sounds move through space thanks to a dynamic binaural system recording. Listening with stereo loud speakers, you find yourself towards the periphery of the space, listening with head phones, you are in the centre of the space.

Dahinden was born in Switzerland in 1962.He studied trombone and composition at Musikhochschule Graz (Erich Kleinschuster, Georg F. Haas), Scuola di Musica di Fiesole Florenz (Vinko Globokar), Wesleyan University Connecticut (Anthony Braxton, Alvin Lucier, M.A.) and Birmingham University of England (Vic Hoyland, PhD). As an interpreter and improvisor he performs extensively throughout Europe, America and Asia. He has recorded for MODE and for Black Saint, Braxton House, HAT HUT, Klangschnitte, Lovely Music, and World Edition. He has premiered works written for him by Ablinger, de Alvear, Braxton, John Cage, Lang, Lucier, Newman, Oliveros, and Wolff.

Performed by the string quartet of the outstanding ensemble Klangforum Wein.