Gerard Pape

(b. 1955)

mode 26

Music of Gerard Pape



mode 26 Gerard PAPE: Chamber works performed by Arditti Quartet, William Albright, Prism Orchestra, Thomas Buckner, Ann Arbor Chamber Orchestra. Composer Supervised

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Music of Gerard Pape
Durations: 12:00; 10:00; 11:35; 14:14; 12:29; 17:00. Originally issued as a compact disc. Program notes by the composer and biographical notes on him in English, French and German, and texts of the 2nd- 3rd works in English and French ([13] p.) in container. Second work for voice, 10 saxophones and percussion (1 player); 3rd work for baritone, taped soprano voice and electronic tape; 4th work for organ and electronic tape; 5th work for soprano and chamber orchestra; 6th work for orchestra. Words of the 2nd work by Stéphane Mallarmé, of the 3rd by Charles Baudelaire. Janet Pape, soprano (2nd-3rd, 5th works) ; Thomas Buckner, baritone (3rd work) ; William Albright, organ (4th work) ; Arditti Quartet (1st work) ; instrumental ensemble, Sydney Hodkinson, conductor (2nd work) ; Ann Arbor Chamber Orchestra, Carl Daehler, conductor (5th work) ; Prism Orchestra, Robert Black, conductor (6th work)."Previously released as a compact disc. "Previously released as a compact disc. Electronic reproduction. Alexandria, VA : Alexander Street Press, 2012. (Classical music in video). Available via World Wide Web.

1. String Quartet #2 “Vortex” (1988/89)  11:51

The Arditti Quartet

2. Pour un Tombeau d’Anatole (1984)  9:52

Janet Pape, voice
Saxophones & percussion conducted by Sydney Hodkinson

3. Sorrows of the Moon (1986)  11:35

Thomas Buckner, baritone
Janet Pape, soprano
Electronic tape realized by Gerard Pape

4. Ceberus (1987)  14:14

William Albright, organ
Electronic tape realized by Gerard Pape

5. Catachresis (1987)  12:29

Janet Pape, soprano
Ann Arbor Chamber Orchestra conducted by Carl Daehler

6. Three Faces of Death (1988/89)  16:18

The Prism Orchestra conducted by Robert Black

This CD marks the recorded debut of Gerard Pape’s mysterious and richly dramatic compositions. They receive expert performances from leading New Music specialists like The Arditti Quartet, William Albright, Thomas Buckner and the late coonductor Robert Black. Pape now is the director of the CCMIX (formerly Atelier UPIC) in Paris, an electronic music studio utilizing the CCMIX (formerly Atelier UPIC) computer developed by Iannis Xenakis. Composer supervised recordings.

“A fascinating organ and tape piece that depicts with terrifying vividness the three-headed dog that guards Hell’s gates, and the despair trapped therein.”
—Allan Kozinn, The New York Times, reviewing

“Technically virtuostic yet deeply felt and, above all, as inspirational as it is inspired…Pape’s Catechresis is how music ought to be written.”
—Jim Leonard, Ann Arbor News

Language : German. Sung in English (3rd work), French (2nd-3rd works) and Latin (5th work).