John Cage


mode 17

Cage Edition 3-The Complete String Quartets 1



mode 17 John CAGE, Vol. 3: Complete String Quartets, Vol. 1 – Thirty Pieces for String Quartet; Music for Four – Arditti Quartet. Composer Supervised.
Winner “Choc” Le Monde de la Musique

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Cage Edition 3-The Complete String Quartets 1

1. Music for Four (1987, revised 1988)  30:03

2. Thirty Pieces for String Quartet (1983)  30:23

The Arditti Quartet

This first volume of Cage’s String Quartets marked Mode’s beginning of an association with the exceptionalArditti Quartet–and the largest selling record in Mode’s catalog! Cage workedextensively with the quartet in preparing the pieces for the concert and recording which was recorded live atWesleyan University’s JOHN CAGE AT WESLEYAN festival in 1988. Cage was so pleased and impressed with theArditti’s interpretations, that it was decided to release the concert performances, documenting the event andtheir dynamic playing. Volume 2 of the Quartets can be found on mode 27. Liner notes by John Cage and Irvine Arditti are included. The cover art is an original etching by Cage.

Released 1989.