John Cage


mode 106

Cage Edition 25–The Piano Works 4


mode 106  John CAGE, Vol.25: The Works for Piano 4 (featuring performance by John Cage) – Works for Prepared Piano: Works of Calder (1949-50) – including original film soundtrack with Burgess Meredith, narrator; John Cage, percussion & tape collage; Totem Ancestor (1942); Triple Paced (1944); Music for Marcel Duchamp  (1947). Works for Piano: ONE2  (1989, written for Ms. Leng Tan, first recording of version for 3 pianos); Ad Lib (1943); Triple Paced (1944); Jazz Study (1943) – Margaret Leng Tan (pianos)    48/24

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Cage Edition 25–The Piano Works 4

Margaret Leng Tan, pianos
John Cage, percussion & tape collage
Burgess Meredith, narrator

1-3.  Triple-Paced (1943)   (1:07, 1:01, 0:45)
         first version, piano

4.  Triple-Paced (1944)   (2:04)
      second version, prepared piano

5.  Totem Ancestor (1942)   (1:55)
      prepared piano

6.  Ad Lib (1943)   (3:14)

7.  Jazz Study (1942)   (3:03)

8.  Music for Marcel Duchamp (1947)   (5:45)
      prepared piano

Works of Calder (1949-50)  prepared piano
9.    I. Prepared Piano   (5:05)
10.  II. Film soundtrack with narration*   (3:09)
11.  III. Film soundtrack with percussion*   (2:19)
12.  IV. Prepared Piano   (10:37)
       * with Burgess Meredith, narrator, and John Cage,
          percussion & tape collage

         First recording

13. One2 (1989)   (18:51)
for 1-4 pianos, 1 performer
Version for 3 pianos
Written for Ms. Tan

Until recently at C.F. Peters, Cage’s publisher in New York, there was a box of works which Cage had held off publishing or had simply forgotten about. Among them were the dance pieces, Triple-Paced and Ad Lib, Jazz Study, and the film score Works of Calder – all composed between 1942 and 1950. At Peters’ request, Margaret Leng Tan was enlisted to edit these works as part of a new volume of Cage’s piano pieces; they have been recorded here in conjunction with that publication.

Of great interest among these is Cage’s score for the film Works of Calder. Actor Burgess Meredith produced and narrated this documentary by Swiss filmmaker Herbert Matter on the artist Alexander Calder. Cage’s fluid prepared piano score is a major discovery, requiring an extensive preparation comparable in complexity to that of the Sonatas and Interludes. Composed in three-parts, Works of Calder‘s two outer movements are newly recorded by Ms. Tan. The middle section is taken directly from the original soundtrack as Cage composed and performed it – a percussion interlude enhanced by discreet electronic effects; and is presented here in its entirety.

Cage wrote One2 for Ms. Tan, who worked directly with him on the conception of the piece. It is to be performed by one player on one to four pianos; three are used here. The damper pedals of all the pianos are wedged so that the strings vibrate freely throughout the piece. The pianos become, in effect, sound sculptures where sustained resonances coalesce and gradually disappear. The result is an extraordinary sonic landscape, and a unique work in Cage’s oeuvre.

Cage and Tan