Alain Bancquart
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Labyrinthe de Minotaur
mode 120/121 Alain BANCQUART: Le Livre du Labyrinthe - Prologue; Icare; Labyrinthe / miroir; Solitude du Minotaure; Meurtre; Epilogue — Nicholas Isherwood, Ensemble Voxnova, Pierre-Yves Artaud, Carol Robinson, Jérome Voisin, Pascal Gallois, Claude Pavy, Roland Auzet, Emmanuel Curt, Thierry Briard, Virginie Tarète, Martine Joste, Sylvaine Billier, Brice Pauset, Pierre Morlet, Frédéric Baldassaré, Romain Garioud, Florian Lauridon, Michel Poulet, Frédéric Baldassaré, Romain Garioud, Florian Lauridon, Michel Poulet, Gerard Pape, Alain Bancquart ... Read More
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Roland Auzet
Roland AuzetRoland Auzet (b.1964), composer and percussionist, is an international soloist. He has won numerous prizes, including first prize in the International Competition of Contemporary Music of Darmstadt, Germany (1990); and the Foundation Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet (1991). Auzet was invited by IRCAM to participate in the program “Composition and Musical Computing” in 1997. He started Site-CRA (Company Roland Auzet) to develop all aspects of project creation. He is artist in residence for a french theatre since ... Read More

Alain Bancquart
Alain BancquartAlain Bancquart was born in 1934 in Dieppe, France. He's been married since 1955 to Marie-Claire Bancquart, poet, critic, chairwoman for French contemporary literature in the Paris IV (la Sorbonne) university.Studies: Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris.(1950-1959): Violin, viola, string quartet, counterpoint,fugue, composition (with Darius Milhaud).1962-1973: Third solo viola in the French National Orchestra (Radio-France).1973-1975: Musical-manager of provincial radio orchestras.1975-1977: Musical-manager of the French National orchestra.1977-1984: Inspecteur de la musique, Ministère de la ... Read More