Tony Martin
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Tony Martin
Tony Martin Tony Martin's "paintings in time" are legendary. His visual compositions were performed and exhibited in the 1960's and 70's across the country, often seen in collaboration with the new music composers working at the San Francisco Tape Music Center. He created the light system for the Experiments In Art & Technology Pavilion at Expo '70, Osaka, Japan. The shows of viewer participational sculptures and installations such as The Well, You, Me, We, and ... Read More

Phill Niblock
Phill NiblockPhill Niblock (born in Indiana, 1933) is a seminal figure in "drone" music who crosses the Downtown and Improv scenes. A characteristic of Niblock's drone style is its subtle, gradual alteration of pitch which leads one to lose a sense of "time" and draws one deeper and deeper into the sound itself. The remarkable thing is that Niblock achieves this effect by almost always using traditional acoustic instruments.Niblock is an intermedia artist using music, ... Read More