John Cage


mode 57

Cage Edition 16-The Piano Concertos



mode 57 John CAGE, Vol. 16: The Piano Concertos– Concert for Piano and Orchestra (David Tudor, Ensemble Modern/Ingo Metzmacher); Concerto for Prepared Piano and Chamber Orchestra; Fourteen (Stephen Drury, Callithumpian Ensemble/Charles Peltz)

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Cage Edition 16-The Piano Concertos

Concert for Piano and Orchestra  (30:05)
David Tudor, piano
Ensemble Modern
Ingo Metzmacher, conductor

Concerto for Prepared Piano and Chamber Orchestra(9:12 / 9:30 / 4:58)
(1951, first CD recording)

Fourteen  (20:00)
(1990, first recording)
Stephen Drury, piano & bowed piano
Callithumpian Consort
Charles Peltz, conductor

This major release marks the first time that all of John Cage’s Piano Concertos have been collected on one disc. It isespecially valuable because it brings together two of Cage’s favorite pianists — the legendary David Tudor and renownednew-music champion Stephen Drury.

Here Tudor makes a rare appearance as piano soloist with Germany’s acclaimed Ensemble Modern for the Concert forPiano and Orchestra. This is the last performance of David Tudor at the piano, recorded at 1992’s Cage Festival inFrankfurt (which sadly became a memorial as Cage passed away shortly before the performances).

The Concert for Piano and Orchestra is an ever-expanding galaxy of sonic possibilities with the principle ofindependence. With no master score; orchestral players may start anywhere in his or her part according to theirindependently derived timetable. The pianist swims in the same sort of musical aquarium as the orchestra, not onlyproducing traditional sounds on the keyboard, but also playing inside the instrument, along with unspecified auxiliarynoise sources. Cage’s comment on the expansive and contradictory nature of this sound universe is telling: “The onlything I was being consistent to in this piece was that I did not need to be consistent.”

Drury is the soloist for the beautifully exquisite Concerto for Prepared Piano and Chamber Orchestra, one of the lastworks in his early style, and Cage’s final work for piano with ensemble, Fourteen. The Concerto is about the conflictbetween structure and freedom, between improvisation and order which Cage describes as “a drama between the piano, whichremains romantic, expressive, and the orchestra, which itself follows the principles of oriental philosophy.” With theprepared piano, altered by the insertion of objects between the strings, the pressing of a key yields not a single tonebut a complex sonority. At the core of the 22-piece orchestra is a large array of percussion — including instrumentslike an amplified slinky, a “water gong” (a Cage invention), and a radio. The orchestra is, in effect, a continuation ofthe prepared piano whose sonorities follow each other as a “melodic line without accompaniment”, to quote Cage. Cageworked extensively with Drury and conductor Charles Peltz in rehearsing this work.

In Fourteen, the instruments play independently from each other; producing only simple pitches, which tend to beeither very long or isolated, brief events. The solo piano is not played conventionally, rather its strings are bowedwith rosined nylon fishing line, producing an ethereal, mysterious sound. Using the bowed piano’s unique sound as afocus, and bracketing and mirroring the achievement of the Concerto for Prepared Piano, Cage creates in Fourteen a musicwhich defines silence and is defined by silence.