John Cage


mode 86

Cage Edition 21-Orchestral Works 2



mode 86  JOHN CAGE, Vol.21: The Orchestral Works 2: Etcetera (1973) — The Callithumpian Consort of New England Conservatory conducted by Tamara Brooks, Stephen Drury and Charles Peltz; Etcetera 2/4 Orchestras (1986) — New England Conservatory Symphony Orchestra conducted by Tamara Brooks, Marsha Hassett, Charles Peltz and Laurie K. Redmer. FIRST RECORDINGS, COMPOSER SUPERVISED

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Cage Edition 21-Orchestral Works 2

Cage Edition, Volume 21

New England Conservatory Orchestras
Stephen Drury, director

ETCETRA  (1973)  20:44
for chamber orchestra with 3 conductors
Callithumpian Consort of New England Conservatory
Tamara Brooks, Stephen Drury, Charles Peltz, conductors

ETCETERA 2/4 ORCHESTRAS (1986) 30:08
for large orchestra divided into 4 smaller ensembles with their own conductors
New England Conservatory Symphony Orchestra
Tamara Brooks, Marsha Hassett, Charles Peltz, Laurie K. Redmer, conductors

First recordings!

The first recording of two major orchestral works by John Cage, recorded under the composer’s supervision at the New England Conservatory’s John Cage Festival in 1991.

These works are about “multiplicity”-of performing options, of ensembles, of conductors; tape music or live music, standard or unconventional notation, repetition or non-repetition. Each piece also contains a tape recording of the environment where the work was created-in the country for ETCETERA, the city for ETCETERA 2/4 ORCHESTRAS.

In ETCETERA, the players begin without conductor, then move at their option to any of three positions on stage to play conducted music with others. They begin by tapping rhythms on cardboard boxes, suggesting the sound of rain on the accompanying tape of the environment at Stony Point, New York.

In ETCETERA 2/4 ORCHESTRAS, the players begin under a conductor, and at their option move to an unconducted soloist position: the “melodic” station.

The ensembles are directed by Cage specialist Stephen Drury.